Yoga: Fueling your mind, body and soul
Yoga is known as an intertwined group of physical, mental and spiritual practices and disciplines that originated in ancient India. So how can yoga still be relevant in the world today?
Yoga has been has been known and practised for over 5000 years, making it one of the oldest disciplines in the world. It was created as a tool to help control and still the mind.
The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' - 'to unite'. As per Yogic scriptures, the practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between mind, body and soul. Yoga simply means to be in perfect tune.
We create self-care products that provide relaxation, natural pain relief and everyday comfort. We believe in selling products that go hand in hand with the lifestyle that yoga promotes.

Yoga is traditionally used to bring about a state of calmness that can so easily be lost in a busy world; its health benefits are still clear to see today. By practising yoga, you're learning how to relax and let go.
10 proven health benefits of practising Yoga include:
- Improvement to posture
- An increase in flexibility
- Improvements in muscle strength
- A boost to metabolism
- Increase in heart health
- Back pain relief
- Lowering blood sugar
- An increase in blood flow around the body
- Keeping diseases at bay
- Self-esteem improvements
- Better ability to manage stress
If you practice yoga, you can experience a profound sense of harmony both within yourself and the world around you. So how do you start?
- Start with acceptance. Although this mindset can take years to cultivate, you can get started before ever even trying yoga. Acceptance will bring you into the present moment and is a great place to start.
- Release all expectations. The moment you begin to practice gratitude, you will feel expectations start to slip away. Don't focus on how you should look, focus on how you want to feel on your mat and leave all expectations aside once you step onto it.
- Focus on your breathing. Simply starting to notice your inhale and exhale can yield better sleep, reduced stress, and more present moment awareness.
- Learn some basic yoga positions. Poses such as downward dog, cat-cow and child pose will help you warm up and gradually ease you into some more complex poses. These stretches might not seem like they are doing much to begin with, but the more you practise the more you will notice the changes in your body.
- Go at your own pace. Right now, there are so many options out there for you to choose from, so make sure you choose what's right for you. It could be learning a few simple poses from a book, watching a Youtube video at home or diving into a beginners class with others. Whatever your path, just know that where you are right in this moment is exactly where you need to be.
How can our products help to enhance your practise?
Part of the charm of practising yoga is that you don't need to buy a lot of expensive kit to get started. You can simply take a deep breathe and begin. Our products are designed in a way that can enhance your practise by easing joint stiffness, helping with muscle cramps or simply relaxing your mind.
The wheat bag is a safe and natural way to decrease joint stiffness, reduce pain and relieve muscle cramps that may interfere with your stretching. It is wonderfully designed to mould to the contours of the body. Use it to warm up your joints and release stiffness before a practise.
You can find our wheat bag as well as other body and mind care here.
If you find it difficult to let go, our eye pillow is perfect to use during Savasana to deepen your relaxation. You can also use the eye pillow as a warm compress to relieve dry eyes, ear ache or migraines. The pillow comes unscented so that you can add your favourite aromas to it. Our Lavender Room & Linen Mist is a wonderful accompaniment.
Shop for our Eye Pillow here.
If you want to start your practise from the comfort of your home, we recommend Yoga With Adriene. Adriene has a diverse range of videos to choose from including a 30 day yoga journey that you can practise on your own time. Yoga brand, We Are Joya also offer a wide range of videos that you can practise from home here.
We wish you the very best of luck with your personal journey into the calming practice of yoga.