Wellbeing: what is it and how does it work?

May 24, 2021

Wellbeing: what is it and how does it work?

Wellbeing has become a popular topic and a new trendy way of life - but what does it actually mean and is it achievable?

The good news is yes, it is! With just a few adjustments to our daily routine we can incorporate wellbeing into our busy modern lives and even embrace it as our new norm.

noun: wellbeing

“the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy”

Taken from the Oxford English Dictionary, this is the definition of Wellbeing in its simplest form. This statement can be interpreted in many different ways.

It often is the simple things in life that will bring you the most joy and happiness, rather than what car you drive or how financially successful you might be.

Although these can all be credible aspects of life and important to some of us, it’s more about stepping out of the modern day luxuries and demands we are accustomed to and going back to the basics like nature for consolation and finding a new richness in life, health and living.

Go at your own personal pace - start off with small ‘acts’ of wellbeing and slowly introduce them into your day to day. Studies have shown that by trying something new this way you are more likely to stick to it.

Remember to breathe

    This may sound a tad mad, but in a busy, hectic modern world, so many of us forget to breathe properly. Try to take time throughout your day to take deep, long breaths in and out - you’ll know what we mean once you start doing it.

    For more inspiration on this follow a chap called Wim Hoff - He’s a gem. 

    lemon wellbeing

      Start the day with a warm glass of water & a dash of fresh lemon

      This helps to wake up your body and digestive system slowly and gently. Rather than starting with a coffee, tea or fruit juice - although these will gladly follow.

      Be kind to your system by making the first thing your body absorbs, calming and easy to digest. This should improve your digestion as a whole and help achieve overall happy health for your system.

      Walk outdoors in nature and the countryside

      As much and as often as you can! Taking short or long strolls outdoors. Being in nature and the fresh air will calm your mind and remind you that the simple things in life bring you joy.  

      If you're lucky enough to catch some rays, take a few minutes to face the sun (eyes closed) and absorb it. Being in the sun will revive your body and brighten up your mind. 

      bamford blasta henriet

      Outdoorsy with Bamford

      Take a break from your workspace

        Be it at home or back in the office, try to leave your work space for lunch and mini breaks throughout the day. This will give your mind a chance to rest and focus away from work and avoid burnout.

        Sit down with a cup of tea and a heated wheat bag for a moments calm to restore your batteries (preferably away from any screens)

        Do some exercise  

        Just do what you can, with the main goal being to get out of breath each time and get your heart rate up - start off slow and work your way up but aim for about 3 times a week. 

        P.s Dancing counts! Pop some music on and have a little boogie - be it in your house, around your garden or out and about - Dancing is a great form of exercise and will make you happy inside and out. 

          Find time to laugh

          It may be from watching a funny film, comedy sketch or stand-up show. Try to laugh, giggle and smile a few times a day or week - it’s the best medicine for the soul. 

          Fill your home and work space with plants, flowers and shrubs

          Not only will plants purify the air around you, it will connect you back to nature - promoting a calm, tranquil space around you. 

          the every space blasta henriet stockist    

          Some wonderful indoor greens to be found from our friends at The Every Space

          Try to be kind to your mind and body

          In a world of pressure, take some time out to appreciate yourself and all the hard work you are doing. Taking moments for some self care at least once a week is highly recommended.

          Donate whatever you can spare to charity, leave something for your local food bank at the end of a shopping trip or help your neighbour water the plants. Helping others unites us as people and encourages us to feel connected and useful in the world.

          Send a card with a kind greeting - this beauty by @Luiza Holub  is available from our stockist The Bristol Artisan

          Take a moment out of your day or week to write down 3 things you are grateful for

          Do this either at the end or beginning of your day. Studies have shown that focusing your mind on being grateful for things in your life, rather than being frustrated at modern life's challenges - can help balance your stress and promote overall contentment.   

          Stop looking at your phone one hour before bed

          This may seem like a bit of a bore, but studies have shown that the bright lights from digital screens, alerts your senses and keeps your mind awake and full of thoughts, making it harder to switch off. 

          Help your brain along by covering your eyes - the slight pressure from an Eye Pillow will send signals to your brain and tell it to relax. Heat it up for a few seconds for ultimate relaxation. 

          Remember to avoid the pressure and rush to do so - Wellbeing is a way of life that evolves naturally and gradually. We wish you all the best and hope you find peace and happiness in your small acts of Wellbeing.